New meaning of motherhood

New depth of motherhood. Felt so grateful - for the second chance to raise & nurture a new soul. Felt so empowered - for my commitment to breastfeed to see him grow with my own milk. Felt loved - for the support & strength from dearly husband over this challenging moment. Yet, felt overly anxious of the future - for the unknown outlook. Felt overprotective - for the possibility of the worst.


Those who happily leave everything in Allah's hand, will eventually see Allah's hand in everything.
 Because worry ends when faith begin.

 I leave it in Allah's hand for tomorrow, for the future. 

Allah has given me the strength to come this far. He will not abandoned me now.

 Im happy for the opportunity He has given me today & I shall live day by day counting every blessing.


PMC 22.2.2014-2.3.2914

+Zaeem Zachary at 2 weeks old+


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