Happy Belated 6th Birthday Ian Iskandar

Mama is so sorry not being there during your birthday celebration.Its a double celebration with Emmil, so I can anticipate the double fun, double cheer & double chaos which I have to miss. Funny thinking of it, at the same time sad for missing such event.

As Im writing this, Mama is at PMC, hospital to accompany your cute adik. Adik is only 2 day old, he is scared alone at NICU. So as a big brother, I know you understand what responsibilities is. This is one of the examples which I have to stay here for adik BUT am always having you in my thoughts. Your birthday cake looks amazing, minecraft with a Ninja Turtles twist. You cant find it at any store sayang, only Aunty Fiza can make that birthday magic. Your party pack is very fancy, Mama did the packing from great tidbits & toys bought by Aunty Neer. Hope you & your friends like it. I may not be there clapping, singing next to you, but Im partly helping the party behind the scenes.

Mama & papa owe you your birthday gift. Give us some time sayang ya. Once adik has settled down, we'll go out for a small family outing. 

Since past few months, Mama feels that my love for you has deepened. I felt time flies very fast as you have grown into a smart boy & ready to take on the world. Your character has shown. You are socially confident, expressive & chatty. You brighten the world with your sweet smile. You'll be a good big brother to adik & shall set a good role model. Mama cant wait to see you grow & starts real schooling, but at the same time Mama misses your cute self when you're still a baby. 

Happy Belated 6th Birthday Ian Iskandar. May happiness, success, fun & great adventure awaits you in your future.Mama will always be there next to you to love, to hug & to support you as long as I live. Moga menjadi anak yang soleh dunia akhirat & di lindungi Allah 

1. Ian's bday falls on 27.2.2008 while adik on 22.2.2014. Feb is my fave month filled with love, smile & presents!2. Bday cake is orange with buttered creme frosting. Minecraft inspired with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as the boys acted as the ninja turtles during Kidszania trip. 


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