Movie treat & trip

Still in holiday mood. Holiday is incomplete without our ritual movie treat. Annual favourites every school holidays are :

(1) movie nite slumber party with big tilam depan TV.
- this is wajib and will cause war with Ian if his right is denied. His cousins will sleep over as usual. This time with Zaeem around, the noise and madness is inevitably heightened.

(2) movie trip to cinema
- The Good Dinosaur was out. I missed Inside Out so I cant afford to miss this one. Brought Zaeem along which he was behaved alright... at least the first 20 mins. Lepas tu, dah boring and start wondering around at the stairs and enters other people row. He's quiet though, so manageable to pull him in between those darkness.

The rest love it, I enjoy it too. I cant wait for Finding Dory next. Hehe... Im a big forgetful.myself, so am so excited how Dory get lost her way and the journey it shall take to trace her back. Funny I bet.


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