ramadan and me

year in year out, my ramadan definition has always being defined as 'tarawikh' and the ultra healthy meal a.k.a low carb high protein diet. my generic meal will be popiah basah, pecal & kuah kacang, sata and ayam percik. this year is just a little different. since i'm obliged to take rice to avoid any unintended false accusation, a small scoop suffice to provide me energy throughout the day. sahur will see me fighting to shut the alarm clock every 4.30 am and taking a big gulp of plain water. unlike dust mite with his routine rice meal, the world will see me sailing smoothly into my dream after a quick refuelling transit. if the world is lucky, they will see me having mixed oatmeal and cereal over a mug of hot milo and anlene chocolate flavored milk (with sprinkle of Nescafe, yummy & gooey!). for a quick fix, few dates are enough to satisfy me anyhow.

but, let me set the record straight here. i rarely take rice for sahur. in fact, i rarely wake up for sahur. which i think is no big deal. the last time i normally had a propoer meal was when ayah was around, which was like a decade ago. fine, with all the munchkin aiman, syahmi, syabil and the almighty aizat, sahur has now back into its limelight. i'm more 'teruja' to watch them eating with their messy hair and their "muka bantal" than drag myself eating.

perhaps, the scenario may change someday. given a new circustances, when the world is run out of cocoa for a mug of Milo, or Datuk Sharizat launch a mandatory campaign to promote " Sahur Sekeluarga Titik Permulaan Keluarga Bahagia", i shall then consider having a complete meal during the breaking of dawn.


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