my tragic raya in taiping

menu raya has always been consistent for the past 2 years - nasi impit kuah kacang, rendang tok and rendang masak hitam. what differs this year apart from eta yang masak rendang hitam instead of mak, was having everyone on the eve of raya for the last buka puasa. moreover, eta tak set rambut berjam jam this year, so less nagging from mak.

+in wait for buka puasa, especially for aizat and aiman yang puasa penuh+
yearly ritual will see me, abang and eta finishing off our hard-earned money for bunga api and mercun. after the declaration of war to kick off the event, the session started with the prelude by the munchkins aka amir, aiman, aizat and syabil playing with the bunga api under the supersion of suraya, eta and kak azie. abang will normally act as the mediator to resolve any dispute amongst the little ones whilst controlling the outflow of our mercun inventory. i replenished my last year mercun stock from pasar ramadhan keramat. out of curiousity, the guy showed us the atomic-smuggled-looking-home-made mercun shaped like coconut to impress us. but i don't have the guyts to buy 'em, rather spent on a new pair of matching selendang raya. the loudest and the brutalest mercun we had was only the mercun telur, humble looking cherry, cute but loud enough to put any ayam kampong a heart attack. more so, to retaliate our opponent, budak kampung or pak cik mat, the retired neighbour.
+munchkins with bunga api+

i woke up early for early preparation for juadah raya. as usual, me and balang kueh raya has always been a yearly affair. susun kueh raya, filled them up so that i don't have the excuse of finishing them of by myself. i'm also the person accountable for the cakes like last year. thus, i'm proud to show off my collection of kek lapis ranging from kek lapis sarawak (embun, bunga api, spiderweb and pelangi) to kek lapis betawi. potong pun kedekut, especially aiman and aizat yang kuat makan. right after khutbah raya "kemenangan untuk siapa?", i rushed back home to get myself changed into my new moral of the story ; always have spare t-shirts, plain cloth and bottled water for emergency use whenever you're on long distance or on a winding journey. unfortunately for the poor new car, never expected it will happen this soon. pesak gantung polos ; mysterious deep purple silk complemented with silver beaded lace. he..he... overly sensitive material, nak duduk pun seksa.

tetamu wajib, budak budak kampung batu 6 or as far as from bukit gantang tak ramai yang datang. more so, all of us went for the sembahyang raya, leaving no entertainers for them to shout 'assalamualaikum' in front of your house gate as early as 9.30 am. maybe also because of the heavy downpour from asar to isya' restricting people to move about for raya visit.

+tatkala makyang, aizat & syabil bergembira posing, min still with his famous muncung mogoknya. no worries, bribe him with air jagung, his face will light up in no time+

that in a way encouraged us to escape to penang the next day for the mee ketam and pasembor padang kota. unfortunately, none of the mee ketam/udang owner is in the mood for business, leaving us touring the whole penang island from balik pulau to teluk bahang. the peak of our tour started when aizat felt dizzy and poured his whole whole breakfast-brunch-lunch worth of solid margerine, pulut and nasi on the car seat, missed by few second before we managed to save him. what can i say, the next 1 hour saw us wiping, cleaning the seat. i had no choice but to stripped him off as his whole shirt and pants were in a mess. the moment i passed him the umbrella to cover himself from the drizzling rain and from the public view of cars passed by, i can't fight an eye with him. his innoncent guilty look masked by his mischieviousness, aauuuwww....aunty nad memang tak sampai hati nak marah, what more to nag. nak nangis ada lah. nevermind, we drove to catch the suraya with min at the back of my seat, smiling ear to ear giving ha-ha-tak-tau kindalook. somehow, the cherry of our peak tour has yet to come until min uttered ' nak gi toilet'. before we managed to pull over, min pun muntah at the other side of the seat. what a day! i guess, that justified the 3 plates of pasembor padang kota we had after all the cleaning up other than from neutralising the tragedy. and i bought doraemon wallet for aizat for him to keep his duit raya. how cute!


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