Tamparan realiti

I grow up witnessing arwah ayah having his daily dose of oat every morning. Me too as a child, having oat in my Milo as my routine breakfast. Gooey lumpy for some, but is fined by me. Now, my style of oat is toasted muesli mixed with rolled oat, eaten with low fat or soy milk. I take oat every other day in a week. An overnight oat is my latest craze now.

Im not a red meat eater too. Mak hardly cooked daging since arwah ayah kurang makan daging. I only eat daging when its cooked with spices like rendang, it kills the meat taste. Lamb too, is so not in my list. Unless its qaroof of Sudan which surprisingly I enjoyed very much.Who cares about lamb chop, rack of ribs or wagyu beef steak. Thick handsome salmon or rainbow trout are my thing.  So, I grow up on white meat instead - chicken, fish lots of fish (ayah loves fishing so my love of ikan air tawar started from him), egg and tofu. Soy milk & tempeh are my all time favourite. Whenever I travel to exotic African countries, I have no problem switching into vegan. I wont squirm if I dont have any meat in next 48 hours.

In a nutshell, my food of eating is kindof clean like how a lady should eat (yes, perasan). The only garbage that I love is pastry. I love french pastries, cakes & cookies. Tak selalu, but I do enjoy a piece or two if its at the buffet. And I love nuts, love it. Chocolate? Occasionally, either bittersweet or ferero rocher. My only sin would be hot chocolate - Starbuck or San Fran are the best, ocassionally like once a month. Flavoured coffee - twice thrice a month. Milo - yes I hantu Milo. Sehari dalam 2 kali, mug besar no sugar.  Ais kacang & cendol too. But overall, its not that bad lah. I monitor my sugar daily, i take plain water all the time including at restaurant. So I dont worry much. My BP and sugar has been consistently good. After all, I live on oat & white meat so, im good right?


I discovered during my random blood test during HR & U at the office, my cholestrol was screaming at 7.4. Satu tamparan wanita! Cis, memang tak puas hati. Rasa seperti dunia ini sungguh zalim. Huwaaaa!!  For 48 hours, my google search has been about cholestrol myth, food and how to lower the reading. Sambil baca, sambil rasa tak puas hati. Adakah reading tu tak acurate so ini semua false alarm yang sia sia?

Fine! Enough complaining. I decided to undergo executive health screening next month for a real test.I hope in these few weeks, I can improve my diet and commit to a regular gym session. Will see how it goes. Research says 2 month for an improved reading, some say 14 days as earliest. Cuma, tang mana la aku nak cut? Pastry and cake pun baru sebulan sekali dua. Fast food, jarang ambik not even once a month. Im not a butter person too. Is it Milk? Low fat since anak dara. Adoi.. I cant point which food is the culprit.

Takpelah. Tamparan yang membuatkan diriku termenung, memikirkan diet hari esok. True or false, it's a good start.

Cant wait for my screening test. Im challenging myself. If false alarm and reading prove to be below 5.2, Ill celebrate rightaway with char kuey tiow & cendol.



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