Ramadan 2015 Part 2

Alhamdullilah, sebulan berpuasa and Im grateful for another opportunity completing ibadah puasa. Puasa has been kind, and technically I wasnt that hungry or thirsty. But weather can be extra hot, challenging enough for Ian who is in training.

Ian wanted to sahur before subuh, but end up sahur at 10.30 am with rice. Then his puasa starts until he finishes his afternoon school. By 6pm balik sekolah, dah lembik satu badan and pleading to drink & buka puasa. Papa dst mite give in macam biasa lah. Ian sampai lidah pecah, tergigit & lack of fluid worsen, haih macam macam. But him puasa half day overall, Im satisfied. In fact, badan susut sikit. Hehe..if puasa penuh, tak tau la macam mana.

As usual, puasa makes me u tubing cooking tutorial even more. So attempted below 1st time recipes. Best part, it turn out well!! Terkujut terus hahah..

(1) Puding jagung
Meant for iftar at Masjid Dsara Damai. Somehow it upgraded as an elegant desert at VIP tables. Auw.. tunggu bosses makan dulu baru aku try makan. Sedap la pulak....

(2) Blueberry cheese cake
My birthday falls on Saturday, 1st week puasa. Im thinking making my own cake (macam lah terer kan). But due to inconsistent baking achievement to-date, I decided for no bake cheese cake which happen to be dst mite favourite. If jadi, boleh buat lagi the ultimate one for his bday. And OMG, sungguh la sedap. Cuma I find it a bit soft, so kindof messy when its cut. But, habis licin. Its not sweet as the St Dalfour blueberry jam with whole berries helps the trick.

(3) Rainbow puding
Make few, tak sempat nak bawak ke Tok Mommy house. Habis at Tg Malim & by Ian.

(4) Bread butter puding
I like the recipe by alltimerecipes. Moist and firm. Next time, and can drop some chocolate and use other types of bread like croissant or brioche yummm...

Next, gonna make Oreo cheesecake and other basic butter marble cakes. Wait until.mh Kenwood arrives (wink), can polish my skills even more.

And I bought wonderful simpul maut popiah giveaways for my bosses and my team at my floors. Should do it more often, as part of giving and warm Raya thoughts. Happy.


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