Threes A Party

February normally makes me anxious in deciding the extent of my boys birthday celebration. Despite a planner who earns a living doing planning, I am somehow not a natural host. Maka, contemplating nak buat small scale or besar besaran.

Ian turns 8, Zaeem entering 2. So, besarlah sikit. Jungle Gym Atria was such a wonderful venue. Emmil joining, so tripple the fun (and chaos). Stormtroopers yall!! We had the same T Shirts, love it. The food was great, the ones dealing the party was resourceful, I had fun. In fact, I secretly wish to have my Raya open house kat sini jugak. Bernas tak idea I?

The Md Jidins was almost full attendance. Abg datang ala surprised, cett ! Lucky me, Yanti & her troops came from Singapore too. Great company, the boys had fun. 15 minit je, terus comot masam berpeluh peluh. 

Worth every cent, great session catching up & not to mention gaining weight too! 


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