
I know the word but it never struck me until the planery AOGC. Being leaders, authenticity matters. Since its innate in you that makes people value you for being you, guess you either have it or dont. Im comfortable under my own skin,
Again, when I drafted the response to question posed ; what makes you competitive? I cant answer the question myself because I'm not in competition in the first place.
Am I not? Tak. I'm my biggest critic and keeping up with my own self imposed expectation has put me enough stress. Lagi kan pulak nak compete with the others.
Tak kuasa. Banyak lagi benda berfaedah nak di fikir. Dah la hidup dalam dunia sekarang, stress begins as you open your sleepy eye.
Anyway, originality matures once you feel comfortable with your self. You know yourself too well, good and bad and exploit yourself during your best. And refrain or limit your exposure when you know you wont be a
PS : Tetiba pulak cakap bahasa. Yes, lately banyak draf surat dalam bahasa. And Ian speaks bahasa too. So Im getting attuned now.


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