salam aidil fitri

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alhamdullillah, selesai sebulan berpuasa. celebrate raya di taiping, a longer holiday with mak, mak yam, kak su sekeluarga & abang azmir.

the memorable part of this year raya is where yeyen had his first solat sunat raya at masjid taman menteri. he stayed quietly observing surrounding. by end khutbah raya, dia tertidur. apart from that, he earns a lot duit raya, thank you wan!! donned in peach, posing raya macam biasa kelam kabut sebab we posed while having tetamu berkunjung (bukan orang lain pun, kak long & family). worth every neck & back ache for all those beading work - kerja keras okay, nak siapkan baju raya!! i better wear then until koyak, baru puas hati.

anyway, selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin to all my loyal followers (macamlah ramai, sejemput je pun).


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