another year wiser!!


mak called as early as 8.30 am to wish happy birthday. siap cakap she planned the timing carefully, as i was induced around the same time 32-years before. hehe..thank mak for the recap. she sounded chirpy as usual.

sambutan yang amat 'tak-dijangka' sama seperti ahli keluarga yang lain. since coincide with father's day as usual, tok mummy will happily fed everyone with her wonderful dish, this time 'kramouk' (i think the spelling is right) or dalam bahasa melayunye 'nasi ayam siam'. "ni kalau guna brasmati rice, lagi kick" kata tok mummy while i'm eyeing for the second helping. ayam goreng pun dah habis sebab aunty nana makan tengkok ayam, last piece).

of course, desert will be a birthday cake (what a surprise!!). kak fieza beli at baker's cottage mocha , sedap. after tiup candle dalam beberapa round kalinye seperti biasa, i sampai tak sempat buat birthday wish. mana taknye, due to consistent practise, nia is so efficient in blowing my truly own birthday candle even before we finished singing the birthday song. hish..nia niee...

anyway, it was fun. although ordinary and nothing extravaganza, i had pre-birthday celebration fun at PD the day before with the rest of the family. and i already bought myself a wonderful birthday gift last month, bling bling diamondbracelet just as i had always wished. in fact, my corelle pun dah collect, and my coach hand-bag pun dalam perjalanan. nothing too luxury, but alhamdullilah i pun berjimat cermat and my patience play a great role too in all these deal.

anyway, happy birthday my dear me. as i always tell myself, another year wiser and GOD has broughtme this far to be what i am today, and where i am today. and i'm happy with the overwhelming love showering me everyday.

p/s : perhaps, a little make-over for a start, i need to update my wardrobe with more sweet pastel colors. enough earthy-neutral color.


opsiedaisy said…
nia has a very strong lungs aunty dia...sebenarnya dia nak pracice jadi penyanyi yang berjaya..hehe

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