amy seach phewiitt.....

+few shots of the concert+

+pose before, during, after. watch eta's hair yang dah senget kena basah dek hujan+

+we're all wet, despite the heavy downpour and tapak kasut papa dst mite buat olympic stunt, it doesn't washed away my excitement+

+amy's new image. glittery & bling bling+
26 MARCH 2010

i grew up listening to search and i am more attuned to the classics rock kapak songs in mid 80s than the ones during amy search gone solo. but, when eta last minute phoned me about the concert, immediately masuk you tube to get into his new collections.

although tak sempat nak hafal lagu baru like suralayar , nigina (2 days before concert baru tahu) the concert it's still a wow, on his musical journey from zaman gelap then to kelabu and putih now! i prefer the middle part and wished the ending had increased its intensity and peak with a high pitch loud screaming-long curly wig flying. but definitely an inspiring concert. worth every sen paying!

check out more on amy search suatu masa concert:

+with kak miza & eta, pose after pose before the show start. orang lain rilex je. watch eta's hair yang dah senget dek kena hujan+

+gambar ngan poster pun jadi la+


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