tengok lampu sunway lagoon

few shots taken during weekend jalan-jalan-tengok-lampu. pegi pun lewat after 8.30 pm, budak budak pun dah letih & mengatuk. berbukit pulak tu, at least i feel less guilty as i burned a lot of calories of my ayam-penyet-dinner by pushing the stroller against the track yang berbukit tu.

+sebelum & ketika photo shoot. tak sempat ambil 'after' shoot sebab emil dah balik+

+yeyen & nia at the circus carousel..sebab adult tak boleh naik the horses, terpaksa la berdiri. yeyen berani tapi takut-takut jugak la. dah la pusing, lagu circus tu pulak macam nightmare-on-elm-street +


waa..menarik nye... kalau dina pegi ni sure dah mengantukkk!

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