Leader in me

Never I imagined history can be so inspiring. Am aware but never I understood its meaning until last 2 days. Im so fortunate to attend Leaders Connect. Despite the dreaded reading assignment, I must say what Ive gone through are tiny compared the challenges & perserverance of our forefathers in developing the O&G industry.

Felt proud & truly the self reflection leads me to contribute the same. Felt small though I know I have big potential to unleash.

I see myself having good leadership qualities : professional & grounded with humility.

I see myself having good work ethics while having fun striving for the best

I see myself successful & making an impact to the business.

I see myself surrounded by wise mentors who belief in me.

I see myself having endless support from my team & peers.

I see myself been appreciated as a person, a friend, a sister & not by my position.

I see myself passionate in developing & inspiring young talents.

I see myself being a good role model to my team & to my growing children.

For me, Im grateful & syukur for the amanah & trust given to me. I seek guidance from Him. I seek opportunity & strength from Him. 

Moga usaha mencari rezeki diberkati. Demi Allah untuk diri sendiri & keluarga. 



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