tick..tock..what, we're entering november?

am i always the culprit for not committing to the things i pledged earlier .. it's always good to point your fingers to someone else except your self.

nothing so serious, just that i'm nearing year end and always drowned with work. have not pay attention to myself (keep reminding myself). cuti kerja banyak lagi, tak sempat nak utilize (not again!)

ok..let's get committed, more committed. few things to do before the clock tick the closing year end.
1. settling in to the new house
- bukan besar manapun rumahnya, cepatlah unpack & get it clean. perhaps justify to take a day or two off
2. learning a new chord
- come on, keep up to the new music will ya. the guitar tersadai tak bersentuh. don't wait for the right time, make the time.
3. sweat off more
- i've almost hanged up my swimming suit, i hope i don't do the same to my jogging shoes..and please, stop blaming the weather. if justifies for a gym membership, why not?

hmm....so bila boleh start?


apa laa aunty dya nie... blog pon ada sawang dahh... heheh.
Just me said…
Memang penuh dgn sawang, tak sempat nak sapu..

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