goodbye scofield

it has been a long and quiet monday night since prison break dah habis. it has been an emotional ending. i am so addicted to prison break when i first introduced by uncle arn, glued to the screen watching back-to-back cd (skip some parts though, maklum lah cd cap X), i bought the remaining season in jakarta (together with desprete housewives). and now, all those suspense kejar-mengejar moment, scofield alluring soft-eye, his unexpected migrain ( of course it happen during the critical moment to anti-climax & simpul mati the twist) - what an unpredicted ending, sigh! it has been a long run for these boys and me (to follow from behind tak paham pun ada jugak). kalau di flashback from beginning, huh, before i pregnant sampai lah yeyen dah 1 year half, baru habis prison break ni. penatnye...
but it all worth it. now, i have my own scofield at home. who loves button where he can pressed & korek, who appreciate structure where he can climb and rolled over.who is equally adorable and going to be a hot stuff one day!!
sempat masuk forum prison break, yes! ivoted for the producer to continue with the 5th season!!
p/s : my ladies night tiggal tuesday night only - date with the hot girls desprete housewives. thanks papa!


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