first hospitalization

post chinese new year balik kampung (taiping) , somehow ian vomitted several times within 6 hours. he had viral infection and more than 12 hours on 100 plus alone and dah start to cirit pulak, we admit him to hospital for good. it was agood experience for me as I learnt on how to nurse ahim (from the tips given by the doctors, of course) it somehow not an exciting experience for little ian , definitely as clealy shown from this pics.

" macam dlm prison la mama..boring nothing to do than to stare at papa who is snoring (sorry papa, it's supposed to be a joke!!)"

" why papa taking so many picture of me ? can't he tell that i'm bored to death?? cakar kang camera ni !! "

" tak posing pun papa snap more photos...can't you just take me for a walk instead..papa..papaaaa..pAAPAAAA.....ggrrr......"

tips given by the doctor:
1. viral infections will resulted to vomiting, then dihria (don't know how to spell) and demam
2. baby will be dehydrated - where the fontanel will be slighlt dented
3. feed baby on 100 plus (shake, cap open to remove the gas)
4. introduce food once stabilize. limit milk or prridge to 2 oz per hours only


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