si bulat mama

+ serious nye..+

+in his exploration car+

these are yeyen's new look. i had initially planned the shaving ceremony at home with the help of unprofessional stylist; abg nasir. unfortunately, boleh lupa lak bawak the razor kit. ceh! end up yeyen's ceremony had to be transfered to papa dst mite's sg way saloon sin jun.. he..he.. quick and easy in just 3 minutes, ian sayang mama dah jadi booottaakkk....and all the calar balar is becoming highly visible!!

alhamdulliah, he is less grumpy as before. thanks to tok mummy with her air penawar and the lullabies. night chore is still filled with breast feeding with once a while wide awake to play (i can still tolerate with that).

yeyen at 5 month 2 weeks weighs at 7.6 kg at 69 cm at length. his new image makes him roOOounder and fleshier (just like his motheerrr)..

his milestones to date :

+ roll over left & right

+ still cakar kepala, so he is wearing either the mittens or topi

+ enjoy his walker, he moves gracefully now ke depan & belakang : gear dua by standard

+ trying to sit unsupported, his back is getting stronger


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