2nd trimester - week 20(s)

week 20 - 26 oct
monday. after the long eid fitri holiday was my official maternity day wear. wore it to the office and yes, obviously i had that special attention from my colleagues and the abang garang at klcc lrt. ''miss, tolong ke depan miss, tolong queue kat depan''. oh, he's referring to me and i can't believe i was so embarrassed to be given such a privilege premier lane to board the lrt by being the first. life as a pregnant lady is so much of unexpected perks and unwanting attention. plus, your belly has become a hand magnet to strangers and friends.
when i was in JB for the 3 day open day, i had what i want. seafood at permas jaya, mee rebus hj wahid (not up to my expectation though) and murtabak singapore. to end the event, i bought a step-by-step book on beaded embroidery. auuuwwgh, i guess knowing the start-up capital to learn sewing is more expensive (mesin jahit alone is RM800 ++) jahit manik is definitely what i'll be going after.

week 21 - 3 nov
"you'll be needing a lot of blue!!". so it's going to be a boy then..oooohhkay..(hhmmph -silence). everyone has been speculating it's going to be a girl, not that i have any preference, i'm overwhelmed. but the moment i was informed, i just went on plain blank. papa dst mite's soft grip on my ankle assured me he's happy to know he has someone to share share his timberland and helicopter interest. everyone burst into laughter when i told neer via the telephone that it's an 'ultraman'. he..he.. cute. so, polka-dot mattress set, here i come...

pregnancy due date

week 23 - 15 nov
when you pay too much attention to experience the kick, you ended up being paranoid to your body. you keep touching your round belly, expanding your ear to find a thumping sound and having that 'where's that sound?' look. hardly any..hhhmmm.. you want to trick me heh, little belly ? but, it's a miracle when the thumping thud is becoming more familiar and regular. the moment you think of it, the amazing you feel about how the seed of life is growing in you, in your very own womb. there's a little creature kicking inside you. i am beginning to feel small and humble to learn god's powerful creation. how blessed i am to have experienced motherhood. god is great.


week 25 - dec 1
since it's already december, i was very teruja with the fact that i'm already in the 3rd trimester milestone.. hooray..(cepatnye..gulp!). sale here and there.. it's time for me to make that long baby shopping list into action
baby check up on dec 1st went well, but i learnt that my baby boy weigh 860 g and can be circumcized a day or two after delivery. but the best part part was i gained 4 kilos which hit me to the 72 kg scale..aarrgggggghh!!! i hope the fat goes to my voluptuous boobs than to my chubby thigh. so in return, me and my other new mommy team, neer (and senior nursing advisor mummy-in-law) marched to ss2 pureen warehouse sale where loads of baby staff were on hot selling rack. bought so many stuff (which was to my surprise, above my ordinary self-expectation) knowing that i have zero idea of the current market price. i ended up loading the basket without thinking whether 'do i really need this ?'. disposable breast pad, powder, baby brush, changing mat: you name it. gasaklah, tak mampu beli mothercare pun, i'm still enjoying my shopping spree without any guilt. so, all totalling to RM 101. then i bought the osh kosh baby tee belang belang which will go well with a pair of blue jeans.. tapi seluar jeans tak beli lagi le.. he..he.. so excited!!

week 26- dec 7
I noticed that many things i've planned to do throughout pregnancy have not been fully realized. i vowed to write letters to the baby so i could cherish the moment once he is born. i planned to measure my tummy for the progress apart from playing around with the baby naming game. why am i missing all these fun things?? putting aside the office workload, i have to admit that life has been difficult. although you try not to be too overwhelmed by the challenges and what i have to put up with ahead, i fear for what is coming. and the funny thing is when you start summing all the life puzzle, crying will always be the perfect quick fix, putting you off from the hard life you're living with. it does not pay you any solution, but indeed the 2 minutes relief from the after-effect is worth a strong dose of inner spirit.
baby weight : 0.8 kg

pregnancy calendar


opsiedaisy said…
Ultraman ke Superman...hehe

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