life of a mummy cat

it's all about timing, never going to dispute that. disbelief and excited i am, me & dust mite accepted the news with joy. when we realised watching tv activities has becoming too mundane and dull (more so when we missed astro payment this month) i knew its time for a 3rd person.
my period is late to begin with. not apprehensive like last month, i waited for few more days before checking up. though i kept telling myself ' could be stress' , i can't ignore the symptom like more discharge and super-sensitive nipples excite me more than ever. i can't imagine toilet bilik abang will be the chosen toilet for me to conduct the pregnancy test. it's positive, auuuwww.. dust mite happy, me happy.. medivron clinic confirmed the pregnancy on 8th july telling me i'm 5 weeks pregnant with EDD 11 march 2008.

alhamdullillah. everyone's happy for me.. so, my mission in my next blog will be more on the new chapter of my life.. life of a mummy cat..



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